Using the online Business License Wizard from our partner Business Licenses LLC, you’ll be able to: Get Your Local Business License Forms Online Now with the Business License Compliance Package! Not to mention the hours spent on the phone chasing down the right department, getting the right forms, etc. There are over 19,000 separate licensing jurisdictions in the United States alone and each has its own particular licensing requirements. Getting a local business license can be a complicated task.
If your intended place of business is not within city limits, then your business license will be issued by the County. How Do I Get My Local Business License?īusiness licenses are typically issued at the City level from your City Hall. Contact your local business licensing office for clarification. If you are not really operating a business and are simply using your corporation or LLC to hold assets, property, etc., or are keeping it “on the shelf”, then a local business license will more than likely not be required. The purpose of a local business license is to authorize your company to do business in your particular city or county. If you intend to operate a business from your home or an office, then more than likely a local business license will be required. NOTE: View our business startup checklist for more information on the steps required to start a business. To get your company a local business license (if required), and you can get your business license online pretty quickly in most cases. After you have registered your company (as a DBA, Corporation, or LLC), one of the next steps is